
Program A is an exchange program through which UMAP participating institutions send and receive up to two students with tuition waivers each semester.

Program B is a negotiated bilateral exchange between two institutions that have agreed to exchange more than two students per semester.

Programs A and B follow a timeline that has two application cycles. Programs that are open for application only during the early or First application cycle are marked with .

Programs that are open for application only during the late or Second application cycle are marked with .

Programs that are open for application during both early/late or First and Second application cycles are marked with .

Program C consists of short-term programs of one to eight-weeks, for which tuition may be charged.

Virtual Programs are offered entirely online and may include both short-term and semester-long programs.

For more information please visit:

Program Program Description Program Dates

Programa Académico de Movilidad

University of San Buenaventura Cartagena

Cartagena, Colombia
English Requirements: Other
English Score: B2
¡Atrévete a vivir una experiencia única en la Universidad de San Buenaventura! Amplía tus horizontes, haz nuevos amigos y aprende de culturas fascinantes ya sea en la Sede Bogotá o alguna de las Seccionales en Cali, Cartagena o Medellín. Estudia uno o dos semestres en la USB. Consulta nuestros programas en:
Program A/B

Application deadline: 30/Apr/2025

Semester 1 dates: 17/Feb/2025 - 30/May/2025

Semester 2 dates: 21/Jul/2025 - 17/Feb/2025