
Program A is an exchange program through which UMAP participating institutions send and receive up to two students with tuition waivers each semester.

Program B is a negotiated bilateral exchange between two institutions that have agreed to exchange more than two students per semester.

Programs A and B follow a timeline that has two application cycles. Programs that are open for application only during the early or First application cycle are marked with .

Programs that are open for application only during the late or Second application cycle are marked with .

Programs that are open for application during both early/late or First and Second application cycles are marked with .

Program C consists of short-term programs of one to eight-weeks, for which tuition may be charged.

Virtual Programs are offered entirely online and may include both short-term and semester-long programs.

For more information please visit:

Program Program Description Program Dates

Ecología Marina

Universidad Catolica del Norte

Antofagasta & Coquimbo, Chile
El programa está diseñado para entregar a los estudiantes comprensión de los ecosistemas marinos y su importancia en el equilibrio ambiental global. A través de una combinación de clases teóricas, trabajos de laboratorio y experiencias prácticas en campo, los estudiantes explorarán temas como la biodiversidad marina, las interacciones ecológicas, la conservación de los océanos y los impactos del cambio climático en los ambientes marinos.
Program C

Application deadline: 10/Oct/2024

Program Dates: 15/Dec/2024 - 21/Dec/2024

Innovación y Emprendimiento

Universidad Catolica del Norte

Antofagasta & Coquimbo, Chile
El programa de Innovación y Emprendimiento está diseñado para capacitar a los estudiantes en la creación y desarrollo de nuevas ideas de negocios y proyectos innovadores. A través de una combinación de teoría y talleres prácticos, los estudiantes aprenderán a identificar oportunidades, desarrollar estrategias y lanzar sus propios emprendimientos exitosos. Este programa entregará a los estudiantes herramientas y conocimiento para convertir sus ideas en realidades exitosas.
Program C

Application deadline: 10/Oct/2024

Program Dates: 15/Dec/2024 - 21/Dec/2024


Universidad Catolica del Norte

Antofagasta & Coquimbo, Chile
Participate at Ucn student Exchange Program in the Spring semester 2025, staying by one or two semesters. The visiting student can apply to all our undergraduate (degree) programs. Please note that there are no clinical rotations in hospitals available for health sciences students. The application deadline is November 1st, 2024.
Program A/B

Application deadline: 04/Oct/2024

Semester 1 dates: 09/Mar/2025 - 24/Jul/2025

Semester 2 dates: 18/Aug/2025 - 19/Dec/2025