Jalal-Abad State University B. Osmonov - Institution Details

Institution Information Institution Jalal-Abad State University B. Osmonov
About Us Jalal-Abad State University named after B.Osmonov (JASU) is one of the leading and largest higher education institutions in south Kyrgyzstan, founded in 1993. JASU is the state higher educational institute and has great experience, traditions of preparing highly qualified specialists in the area of philology, natural studies, technical, medicine, electric power production, information technology, physico-mathematical and pedagogical education. Currently, about 15,000 students are studying at JASU, more than 30 doctors and professors, more than 150 candidates of science, associate professors and more than 700 teachers work. Specialists with higher education in 48 fields and with secondary professional education in 12 fields are trained at JASU. Approximately 3,400 international students from countries such as India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Turkey, Russia and Uzbekistan study at the university.
Population 5,000-20,000
City Jalal-Abad
Institution Website Link
Mailing Address jasu.ird@gmail.com
Phone Number +03722 5 03 33
Active Programs Link