Institucion Universitaria Politecnico Gran Colombiano - Institution Details

Institution Information Institution Institucion Universitaria Politecnico Gran Colombiano
About Us We are a higher education institution with a training vocation, which works passionately to provide more and better opportunities for access to comprehensive, pertinent and quality training, which transforms lives and generates a positive impact on society. By 2026, Politécnico Grancolombiano will be recognized for being a global, high-quality university institution, a leader in access, continuity and graduation in different study modalities, with flexible and innovative learning experiences for life. Since our university has two main headquarters, one in Bogotá and one in Medellín, it would be possible to welcome students in any of these cities. In both of them, they would have a great academic and cultural experience.
Population Over 20,000
City Bogota, Medellin
Institution Website Link
Addtional Link 1 Link
Addtional Link 2 Link
Mailing Address Calle 57 #3-00 Este, barrio El Castillo, Bogotá D. C., Colombia
Phone Number (601) 744 07 40
Active Programs Link